13 February 2010

Valentine's Day Extravaganza Day 7

For today's post: Share Your Favorite Photo Together. Well, that's impossible because I like a ton of photos! So I just randomly picked three (hehe):

This is one of our engagement photos:

This isn't technically a photo of us taken together, our photographer just put them together, but I still like it!

This one is pretty old, but it still made the cut!


Melissa said...

beautiful couple & photos!

Mama M. said...

Oh, Kara...you make a gorgeous couple! And...I love the photo in your header too!

Kara Z said...

Thank you both, you're so sweet!

Mama M, I'm glad you did the extravaganza! So fun! My internet has been on and off so some of my scheduled posts didn't post on time, but I think I got them all up now :)

Happy Valentine's Day!

- Kara

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