15 February 2010

Not Me! Monday

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

As for me ...

This week, there is NO WAY I stayed up until 3 am baking kale chips and making meatballs and sliders to freeze. I always plan ahead and get things done at a reasonable time, not the wee hours of the morning.

It also was NOT me who, while cleaning out the glove box in my husband's car, found the Christmas card I had bought for him for this past Christmas and apparently forgot to give to him. I would never do that, certainly not on our first Christmas together! And even if, for some reason, that had happened to me, I would NEVER quickly consider whether I could just keep it and give it to him next Christmas ... at least until realizing I had written "The first 6 months of our marriage have been fabulous!", at which point I would decide to just present hubby with said found card almost 6 weeks after Christmas. Who would do something like that?

It could be the same person who forgot to thaw out dinner not one, but TWO days this week. This person wouldn't be me, remember, because I do NOT forget things like that on my busy mornings.

There is NOT A CHANCE that there are still empty photo frames sitting around our house because I haven't ordered pictures yet. Considering we moved in here nearly 8 months ago, you can bet I have everything in its place, including all of our picture frames filled. Nobody, I repeat nobody is lazy enough to display empty frames for eight months. Especially NOT ME!

What have you NOT done this week?

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