08 February 2010

Not Me! Monday

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

As for me ...

This week, while babysitting, I certainly did NOT fail to correct the man on our walk who waved to and chatted with the little boy and his "Mommy", just to see what it felt like to actually be someone's mom. That would be like stealing someone else's kid, so you can bet I didn't do that!

Oh, and I definitely did NOT wear the clothes I had on all day Thursday to bed Thursday night ... and all day Friday! That is disgusting and I always change my clothes at the proper times!

I also did NOT go to the Target website and randomly look at bridal registries just because I thought it was fun. I never waste time doing trivial things like that, so it couldn't have been me!

Something else I didn't do ... On the way to work one morning, I DID eat yogurt on my drive with one of our flatware spoons, but absolutely did NOT leave the spoon in my truck for three days before seeing it under the seat and finally bringing it in to wash it! Eww!

That's what I did NOT do this week!


Yellow House said...

I love looking at registries too! LOL about the spoon... I'd never do that either :)


Shelle said...

Haha I like your list!!
For the first one, think of it as borrowing, not stealing!!

Hope you have a great week!

Kara Z said...

Shelle - oh, I like the word borrowing! Much better!

Chelsea - I'm glad to know I'm not the only one! Registries are just FUN! :)

- Kara Z

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