18 February 2010

Thirteen on Thursday

First 13 random thoughts to come into my head:

1). I was working on a post about respect, but I'm not finished with it yet. I want to think on it a bit more before posting so I decided to do this instead!

2). There are only two of us, but it seems like I'm always doing laundry! Actually, I only do it once a week but it just feels like a lot. It's probably because I have to do lots of loads due to all of Keat's PTs and ACUs. Man, they stink.

3). I can't wait to watch "16 and Pregnant" tonight! Is that bad? I missed the premier Tuesday so I'm getting caught up. Forty more minutes. Watching Olympic coverage and blogging until then.

4). I think my "status" on Facebook was the name of my aunt. For like four days. I was trying to look up her profile to see if her phone number was on there by using my iTouch. Instead of searching I guess I posted her name! Whoops!

5). It was so fun to watch Shaun White last night. Keat is a huge snowboarding fan, so he was rooting for him even before the Olympics started. His anticipation got me a little excited, too, so I felt a little invested in his runs. That trick thingie at the end was amazing. I don't know how they do that on snowboards.

6). My email is STILL not working. I can't get any messages to download onto my Mac. I'm STILL frustrated. I have someone I'm going to email for advice. If that doesn't work, I wonder if I can take it into the Geek Squad or something. Can they do stuff like that?

7). I made myself a huge To-Do list for this weekend. Keat is gone for training, so I figured I should get some stuff done. I've already done almost 1/3 of my tasks! Whoo-hoo! Now if only I hadn't done all the easy stuff first ....

8). Before leaving for the weekend Keaton took me to breakfast this morning. It was lovely. We should do that more often.

9). I just read an amazing article in Women's Health magazine. It's about abuse; the kind of abuse where women do not always know they are being abused because it's not physical. It really, really hit home. Not for me. For a dear, dear friend of mine who is in a damaging, abusive relationship but she can't see it. I cried when I read it. I still cry almost every day for her. Too bad crying doesn't fix things or she would have free a long, long time ago!

10). Wow, I shouldn't have thought about that. Now I'm sad again. God is in control. I recognize that. I know that beyond the shadow of a doubt. It's still hard though, so I'm moving on now.

11). It is so true what they say about gaining weight when you get married. I need to get in shape. I'm not sure I've actually gained pounds, because I can't remember the last time I weighed myself but I'm sure I have. I don't feel as good about myself as I used to.

12). Yes, I know there is an easy fix to this. Either change what I eat, how much I exercise, or both. I actually do pretty well on the days I work (I babysit Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday). I keep a log of what I eat and exercise while the baby is napping. For some reason it's just so much harder on the days I'm off. I should just get up and do something but most days I just don't want to. I'm stubborn.

13). Okay okay, fine. Before finishing my post about respect and watching my show, I'm gonna do some push-ups, sit-ups, pull-ups, squats, and lunges. Okay, actually not pull-ups. I need Keat to hold my feet for those and he's not here. I'll do everything else though.

I promise. :)

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