03 February 2010

Kara Z ... Gunner??

Last Friday, I shot a gun for the first time in my life. And I absolutely loved it!

Keat's uncle got him a gun for his high school graduation in 2006. Then, for this last Christmas, our present to each other was another gun. (Actually, I'm still trying to figure out exactly how it was a gift for each other ... seeing as how Keat is the one who will actually USE the gun ... I think I got the short end of that stick!)

So we have not one, but two guns. One is a 22 and one is a 45. I'm still trying to learn about guns, so I won't say anymore about them until I have learned more myself because, you know, I don't want to look like an idiot.

The public range here in Tallahassee is in the middle of the woods in the middle of nowhere. Which is, of course, a good place for a shooting range. When we drove out there I had absolutely no idea what to expect. My family does not own guns, nor do my parents have the desire to ever own guns, so I didn't grow up around weapons of any kind. Seeing as how I married a military guy, I have a lot to learn - fast! Thank goodness Keaton is a good teacher.

After waiting for a lane to open up (is "lane" even the right word? I don't know!), I watched Keat shoot several rounds before I felt comfortable giving it a whirl. I already knew how to fill the magazine, load the gun, and check the safety from a previous "lesson" with my husband, but I still had Keat watch my every move very closely. He kept asking me if I was okay because I looked so serious. Well, hello, honey! Of course I'm serious! This is a gun in my hands! It is such a powerful tool. I am serious because I want to be careful!!

After trying different grips on the gun handle to see which felt the most comfortable, I stepped up to the railing. Double-checking my earplugs and eye protection, I took my stance. Gripped the handle of the 22. Flicked off the safety. Aimed for the target. And squeezed the trigger.

I could not believe the way it felt to shoot! It was a very exhilarating, very humbling experience. To feel the heavy weight of the weapon, the cold metal, the slight kick after the shot ... it's unlike anything I've ever done before. To know that YOU are in control of something that can be deadly ... wow! It's a great responsibility, and very thrilling. Well, not thrilling that it can be deadly, but thrilling to know you can control whether or not it becomes a instrument of destruction.

Not to boast, but I actually ended up being an okay shot! (Of course, upon beginning I had extremely low expectations of myself, so I'm sure that helped.) There were some bottles lying around on the ground near the targets. After a few rounds, Keat told me to aim for one of them. By some miracle, I actually hit the bottle! I was very excited, to say the least!

I also shot Keaton's 45 before we left. There is such a big difference between the two guns. I was not nearly as comfortable with the 45. The kick was too much and it hurt my wimpy little wrists! I think I'll be sticking to the 22 from now on.

Soon we are actually going to a gun class. Keat wants to learn about permits and registering and all that. I'm just going to learn more about the basics and gun safety. I guess I feel as though I'm doing my part as a (soon-to-be-legit) Army wife by showing interest in what my husband does. Plus, if there are going to be guns in our household, you can bet your fanny I'm going to learn how to use them. We are extremely safe with the guns, but I want to be as responsible and educated as possible.

And practice. Of course, I must practice! I can't wait to go to the range again!

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