04 February 2010

Thirteen on Thursday

This is something I started doing back on my old blog before I kinda stopped writing. It's an easy thing to do when you're not sure what to write about. Basically, just share 13 completely random thoughts - the first thirteen things to pop into your head!

1). I love my vehicle! I've driven it ever since I turned 16 (thanks Daddy!), so I've had it for almost 5 years now. It's a black 1998 Ford F-150. It may cost a ton to fill up, but it's definitely worth it.

2). Keat is cleaning our guns right now. I'm so glad he is going to take care of that. Sounds absolutely rude, but I just want to reap the benefits of shooting without the responsibility of taking care of the guns! Cut me some slack, though, it's really no different than Keaton enjoying a clean house and clean clothes without ever having to do housework or laundry. Right? Right? Well, that's what I'm telling myself.

3). I can't wait for the Superbowl! I love watching football. Usually just college, but I'll make an exception for this! I'll probably be sore, though. Keat and I are continuing my family's tradition of doing pushups for every yard of every penalty during the game. Otherwise we'd sit around doing nothing for hours during football season!

4). I still don't think I have it all figured out, but I'm slowly getting better at Twitter, I think. I don't know. I may still be doing it wrong. Never mind.

5). My mail is not working on my Mac. I'm getting all my messages on my phone, but they're not downloading into my Inbox. It's annoying me.

6). After doing so much traveling the last few months for my job, I keep feeling like I need to be watching for a good deal on a flight or packing a suitcase. It's such a relief to know I don't have to do that for a long time!

7). I would like to start reading my Bible daily again. Yes, I am admitting that I don't. I used to, and then life got busy and I let it slide. I think it's time to start up daily devotions again.

8). We've been going to church at Element 3. Very cool church. I like it there!

9). I'm supposed to be working out right now. But I'm not.

10). Our neighbors above us (we live in an apartment) are super noisy. Some days I think they strap cement blocks to their feet and run relay races around their kitchen! I think it's kinda funny, but it makes Keat so annoyed!

11). I love salmon! It is yummy, and good for you. We had some the other day. I like to make it the way my Dad always does. He puts different spices on it (not sure what he uses, so I just smelled a bunch of things to see what smelled like it should go on fish!) and squeezes on tons of lemon juice! Then he puts really thin slices of lemon on top of the fish, wraps it loosely in foil, and cooks it in a 400 degree oven. So delicious!

12). My parents and brother are about to leave for a ski trip. Wish I were going with them! I haven't been skiing/snowboarding in so long! I have done both, but I'm much better at skiing. The first time I boarded I actually broke my ribs! I usually stick with skis. Keaton, by the way, is a superb snow boarder!

13). My favorite tortilla chips ever are the Archer Farms organic blue corn chips. They taste excellent. Think I'll go have some now with my Newman's Own Black Bean and Corn salsa!

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